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History and Lore

Breadstick, formerly known as "Pretty Face Torbie" unofficially, is a cat that lives at the Shipyard Subcolony; and was once considered impossible to get on camera. She was, and occasionally is still considered to be, one of the shyest cats that live here.

It was by chance that she would be on frame eating for the second time over the course of months that Settia would convince chat to name the cat, which led to one of the most tense polls to date, further dubbed as the "Gluten War of 2023" in which the name Breadstick would win, only to be repolled and lead to a longer poll thata was around 12 minutes long, leading to a narrow victory from those who voted Breadstick by one point. The poll was so close that the name secondary name, Crouton would later be applied to the other torbie cat that appeared on frame. (see Crouton)


Breadstick was so rare that she only appeared on camera once in the year of 2022. She is very cautious and observant, and often times Settia can be seen taking a chance to see if she will approach food left out. Often times, she would be seen standing or sitting in the distance, simply watching the tray or toy left out and never making an appearance. It's as of 2023 that she seems to trust the camera equipment more to cautiously approach food for the community to see them better.

She seemingly gets along with all the other cats, with the possible exception of Marzipan who had been seen hissing at her when catnip was involved, which was atypical for her.


Breadstick is very similar in appearance to Crouton, who coincidentally would take the name that had come in second place for Breadstick's poll. Although both cats present as a once rare color referred to on the channel as "torbie" that incorporates the multiple patchy colors of a tortoiseshell with prominent tabby markings underneath. Despite knowing other torbies on the channel with unique coats such as Dawn, these two have similar markings.

Breadstick is a much larger cat than her counterpart; with a thicker appearance. She has more orange on her face and has a very round even face, that Settia has remarked is adorable, leading to her being known as the pretty torbie before she was named.