History and Lore
One of the first cats to be friendly, and one of the friendliest in the entirety of the channel, Sunshine is a fan favorite. He is known for his constant meowing as he is one of the most vocal cats on the channel, and friendly demeanor. He is an interesting cat that when Apoinsettia first met him was immediately friendly with no build up. Apo once left a toy for him in the early days of the channel, to which sunshine guided him back to the toy the following week, although it was torn to shreds.
Sunshine had once gone missing in the early days of Apo streaming, to which he fed around until one day Sunshine returned spontaneously after several months, similar to Pootis but as to where he ventured to for such a long time is unknown. When returned, Sunshine did not change in personality.
It has been revealed of April 2022, after feeding for close to three years, that Sunshine belongs to a home. Similar to Rorschach, Sunshine has a family and is called "Mr. Meowgli" by them, and often flocks over to Apoinsettia for extra food and catnip paraphernalia. The owner stated the dogs they own would not like Sunshine and they keep him outside for his safety.
Sunshine has a large personality that can be broken down. For starters, Sunshine is overly affectionate and friendly, often running up to Apo when first sighted. He is incredibly vocal as well, often continuing to let out a series of meows for the entire duration of his screen time. He does not get along with Berber who is known as the other friendly cat in the area, for an unknown reason. They are not hostile with each other and instead tend to avoid each other, give each other off looks, or grumble in each other's presence. These cats coming into this soft conflict would be common as they both enjoy Apo's presence. Sunshine tends to enjoy food and catnip while Berber seems to primarily like the company. Sunshine is a fan of catnip, catnip toys, and all other sorts of accessories.
Sunshine is an orange tabby. Most orange tabbies tend to be male, so Sunshine was assumed so until he was confirmed to be, and carries the typical each notch hinting he was neutered and cannot grow his colony, or any other. He has a marbled color pattern to him, which is not commonly seen with orange tabbies on the channel. His is larger and seemingly well fed, hinting he may get food from other sources nearby.