
From Apoinsettia

History and Lore

Sunset is a cat that lives in The Bushes Subcolony and wasn't originally known to live there for months. He appeared out of nowhere immediately with a friendly attitude and and interest in catnip. This continued behavior would lead to his reputation as a catnip addict.

Sunset actually lives on the other side of the road from The Bushes Subcolony and is commonly fed there by the feeder team, but Sunset prefers to eat at The Bushes when Apoinsettia streams.

Sunset has been placed up for adoption by the feeder along with one of his neighbors (and theoretical sister), Dawn, but as of yet nothing has come of it.

His name is "James" given by the several feeders in the area, and would attend an adoption event under that name. Prior to the adoption event, Sunset would be placed with Sunny D, Peaches and a longhair black cat, to which they all got along.


Sunset is a unique character. When he shows up, it's spontaneous and unpredictable; if he does show up. Sunset is attracted to catnip more than anything and to a strong degree. He is often very interactive when on nip, and enjoys catnip toys as well. Sunset, if he hasn't received nip, will often wander to the right side of the colony, and wait patiently to be approached. He is very friendly, and is even known to jump in the trunk of Apoinsettia's car and on top of it. When pet, he is known to shoot up in an arch-like position, with his butt standing straight up into the air. A trait only shared by Dawn in the entirety of the channel.


Sunset is the most recognizable cat in the subcolony as he is an orange cat with a white bib and undercoat. All of the other cats in The Bushes Subcolony are mainly black cats or tortoiseshells. He stands out significantly, and was named after his orange hue. Although no other cat in this subcolony shares his color, some others have tortoiseshell and similar patterns that share orange vibrant colors on a minor scale.


  • Sunset is most affectionate with Dawn, with even the primary feeder referring to them as "the twisty tails" due to them always rubbing on each other when visited.
  • Sunset does not like Bagheera.
  • Sunset has reacted very aggressively to Mudkip, meowing loudly with his fur puffed up at him, to which Mudkip did not mind.
  • Sunset would get along with Peaches, and Sunny D in captivity.


  • Sunset is heavily believed to be related to Dawn not just due to them being affectionate with each other but due to them sharing behavioral traits and vibrant colors.