History and Lore
Shade is a cat found at The Fence Subcolony and was named by Twitch Chat due to her constantly staying or retreating into bushes and vegetation. Since her naming, Shade has opened up to a whole different cat, becoming extremely friendly. As to why Shade's personality changed so suddenly is unknown, but more than likely the result of constant feeding and getting more acquainted.
Initially very shy and having a personality that kept her hiding in the shaded bushes was the origin of Shade's name. Not too long after she was named, Shade started to become increasingly friendlier. Shade often isn't the first to eat, and prefers to keep to herself compared to the other cats. Shade tends to roll and bump her head into the parking curbs in an affectionate manner, and enjoys being pet and can be held by Apoinsettia with comfort. She doesn't limit herself by bumping into just parking curbs, but any corner or branch she can headbutt into.
Shade has no local cats she dislikes, with the exception of Earl Grey.
Shade is the only cat on the channel to have Heterochromia, a condition that makes eye color vary in each eye. Her left pupil is a light green, while her left pupil is a deep orange. Her fur has been described as "frizzy" and "sharp" and has a marbled and swirl color pattern to her markings.
Random Facts
- Shade's name given by local feeders is "Jojo" which is ironic, due to Rorschach's real name given by his owners being "Jojo" as well.
- Shade is skittish with new people, and was hesitant of CobaltCastaway at first, but grows to trust quickly.
- Shade is Apo's favorite cat. He is OBSESSED with her. Any Chat Reg can confirm.