History and Lore
Sammy is a cat that lives at The Grocery Lot and is the sibling to Cameron. They are often not seen together and the rare instance they are within range of each other, Cameron is often antagonistic towards Sammy. They were not named by Twitch Chat, instead being named by the feeder of The Grocery Lot.
Sammy's gender has never been known as the feeder has referred to them as a sister to Cameron before, and Apo could swear they seemed to be female when gendering them, but could never confirm. This comes as a shock as most orange cats tend to be males nine times out of ten, and in another instance the same feeder referred to Sammy as Cameron's brother. The name Sammy is quite gender neutral and does little to provide any clues as to what gender Sammy is.
Sammy is the polar opposite of Cameron, whilst Cameron is up close and friendly, Sammy is very scared and shy. They spend most their time on top of the wall in the Grocery Lot and has never been seen on the grass. When approached, Sammy often picks one of two directions the wall as to offer: left or right, and keeps moving until Apo is not longer following. This is odd because while doing so, they show very friendly signs as having their tail up or rubbing into objects, which has marked them as an interesting cat.
Sammy has much more orange than their brother, and is the most orange cat in the entire colony. They have white undertones, and a noticeably round face with emerald green eyes which seems to be a family trait. They are a fair sized cat.