History and Lore
Salem was the first noted black cat in the colony, and was furthermore first to be named. Whether his namesake is in reference to Salem, Massachusetts or to the cat in Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. He has been here as long as Beauty and Smudge, making him one of the older residents in the colony. Most residents in the Trucks subcolony located in the Alley have been around for some time, and they're less new residents. However, Salem has been a part of the streams much longer than Samantha, Azael, and especially Void appeared.
Salem has been notated as "Missing" but is expected to be fine as he has been missing since the new fence installation which has affected the attitudes of many cats in the area.
Salem is a cat that prefers to keep to himself, and doesn't interact with Apoinsettia much. Even with food, he may not even show interest. He has shown interest in catnip and often gets in the way of the other cats when it's present hogging all of it. He does not care to be approached or interacted and does not pay any mind to the other cats. He seems like a loner type, similar to Marmalade, but is still active throughout the colony and doesn't isolate himself. He can be seen hanging near Samantha, and seems neutral with Smudge and Beauty unless competing for food or nip.
Salem is a black cat, but has different features to the others that are nearby, such as a masculine frame and wide cheekbones. He has a smaller white bib on his chest, the smallest out of them all. He is slightly bigger, but not on the overweight side. He has deep green eyes similar to Samantha, but no relation has been confirmed.