Pop Tux

From Apoinsettia

History and Lore

Pop Tux is a cat that can be found at the Straightaway Subcolony of the AutoShop. After feeding at this location for quite some time, Pop Tux was seldom known to the channel. Also, being a somewhat rare cat, they make rather occasional appearances. However, after at least one failed naming attempt, a name was decided (arguably a second failure) as Pop Tux. The name was determined by a runoff round of polling among Twitch viewers and ultimately being an amalgamation of "This Cat Is Not A Tux"; a name stemming from an ongoing debate among viewers on what constitutes a tuxedo pattern; and the name "Pop Rocks", which was suggested by Twitch chat viewer ezrubiksolver, who happened to be eating the namesake candy at the time.


Pop Tux is a fairly shy cat who keeps their distance when approached. Nevertheless, Pop Tux seems fairly inquisitive and has been witnessed raiding Apo's trunk from afar searching for catnip, of which they seem highly reactive.


Pop Tux is a black and white cat, arguably a tuxedo. Being predominantly black with the classic triangular tuxedo markings of white on their chest, on the face, and Pop Tux also has white on their belly which is the source of the tuxedo classification debate.