
From Apoinsettia

History and Lore

Pootis was a common cat in The Trucks Subcolony, where he commonly stayed near Marmalade on the left side of the subcolony (as can be seen here with Marmalade under a car w/ Kazu in the foreground before fleeing from a duck stampede). Pootis seemed to be the only person Marmalade would remain in presence of, but has since vanished. Pootis had disappeared for 8 months, and had randomly returned for a series of three streams. Since then, he hasn't returned, but can be assumed to be safe due to his weird history of appearance. He often has his tail up, and rubs on nearby objects in a friendly manner, hinting if more time is spent with him he can grow to be a Friendly Cat in time. As to where Pootis vanishes too is unknown. Some have theorized he could be a domesticated cat like Rorschach, but before Pootis initially disappeared, he was a frequent cat on the channel which argues that theory. Another theory is their is a colony nearby Pootis prefers, but could be argued as who would not want to be fed by Apoinsettia. Perhaps we may never know.


A cat that always kept to himself, which mimics his friend Marmalade's presence well, Pootis at least shows signs of development and growth as he begins to display friendly signs such as a raised tail and rubbing on inanimate objects. He isn't a particularly vocal cat. He seems to get along with the others, but not everything can be known due to his record of appearance.


Pootis is a cat with an overwhelming coloring of orange, which is already rare for the Alley, and is the only cat in the entire colony to have an orange and white mixture. He has a similar body type and movement to Smudge, which can be perceived as typical traits of an older cat. Due to his skinny physique, skinny face, and movement, he is perceived to be an older gentlemen. He has faint and darker orange markings.

Pootis was named after the Team Fortress 2 meme by a viewer back before polls were prominent.