History and Lore
Picasso is also named Tyrone, although the cat is more commonly referred as Picasso. This is one of the only cats that can flock from one subcolony to the other. Although this cat lives in the Art Subcolony, a very small subcolony of two russian blue colored cats, he flocks to the Streetlight Subcolony and has been found at the Gate Subcolony as well. This realization took time, and was beyond surprising to Apoinsettia and Twitch Chat. He was initially named Tyrone in the Streetlight colony to where he has first been seen.
Picasso was very hostile towards the other cats in his persona as Tyrone the first couple streams he was noted. He was very antagonistic towards the residents of the subcolony for the sake of food, and although cat fights and altercations are to be expected on stream and in colonies, the concern Picasso was raising in this colony was unique, as the cats avoided him and food entirely, This led to Tyrone/Picasso being fed separately from the resident cats.
Picasso was discovered in a recently discovered colony named Art due to the small art store nearby, to which as of now only has two resident cats, the other cat being named Van Gogh due to their ear. It was when Apo saw Picasso cross the road between the two colonies which are across from each other that the dots became clear that it was the same cat. Picasso in his home colony is still somewhat skittish, but treats his neighbor Van Gogh with much more affection and respect.
Although in his past, Picasso was rude with the Streetlight cats, he still makes visits to them where he is much more cordial and respectful, but doesn't seem to have any friends there. He is particularly shy and avoids Apoinsettia at close distances, but feels much more comfortable in his home colony.
Picasso's features were never fully known as feeding in the streetlight colony usually takes place at night with low visibility. Since feeding at the art subcolony, his features became more known and was even gendered. Picasso is a blue colored cat, considered a Russian Blue, but this is more a breed than a color. He has bright green eyes, and has a large build to him.