Oreo McFlurry

From Apoinsettia

History and Lore

One of the less prominent cats to be fed in the Straightaway colony, Oreo McFlurry began to make more common appearances after Apo fed for a few months. The Straightaway colony being as unpredictable as it was and with the neighboring junkyard (where many cats shelter) being cleared out, Oreo still maintained a common presence. As time passed, Oreo even began to be friendly, allowing herself to be pet before being fed. She is pretty asocial with the other cats, but not as aggressive as Petunia or Tortellini.


Oreo is a reserved cat, and one of the first cats to appear when food is nearby. They don't go out of their way to be pet, but still greet Apoinsettia and is even comfortable to sit by him approach him from behind, and accept some pets from him. They raise their tail when approached, but after they are fed they venture off and keep to themselves as other friendly cats tend to do when fed.


Oreo McFlurry's name can be related to their coloring, as they have an even tone of Black and White, similar to the desert menu item offered by McDonald's, which is a popular franchise to name cats after, apparently. Oreo is a normal weighted cat, but is larger in overall size, especially compared to Munchkin.


  • Oreo McFlurry has been seen licking Wizard Kitty's head proving she has a soft spot for him.