History and Lore
Mystery is a Mythic stray cat that hangs out in the Alley colony, Mystery is a very odd cat, as she waits and watches patiently for Apoinsettia to notice and feed her, but will often dart away when approached. She does not interact with the other cats, or hang out near them. She lives by The Transformer Subcolony, but stays in her own spot by a wooden fence, far away from the others. She rarely approaches the transformer, and rarely shows up on stream to begin with. Her name Mystery is due to her very rare presence on the channel, and mysterious circumstances as to where she came from and how distant she is. Where she comes from is unknown.
Not much is known about Mystery's personality, other than that she is skittish and exhibits similar patterns to Raindrop, in which both cats enjoy leading Apoinsettia to a certain spot to be fed, perhaps due to them feeling safer there.
Mystery is said by many to appear alien-looking with large gazing eyes. She is a tabby, with a white mark around her nose, and is the only tabby with white on her chest in the transformer colony. Some have stated she looks slightly similar to Mystic in her spotted pattern and markings.