
From Apoinsettia

History and Lore

Though not always present at Bushes Subcolony, since her arrival, Mooki is common cat found in the frequently visited location. She does not bear the common traits of a shy street cat; although she is not friendly or able to be pet often, despite Apoinsettia able to make contact a few times with her before she darts off, she is not entirely shy either.

Mooki is best known for being a glutton. When feeding at the subcolony, Mooki is typically the first to rush in for food (or catnip), and will return repeatedly every time a new can of food is opened, seeking out the newest, freshest food at the detriment of the other cats being able to eat in peace. This is in contrast to early on when she spent her first couple of streams doing hit and runs, running to the tray and grabbing a bite of food only to carry it off and eat in peace. She did not seemingly have many enemies, aside from occasional encounters with Bond.

Additionally, Mooki is seen to have quick reflexes, and is believed to be one of the fastest cats.


Mooki is a watchful attentive cat and often follows Apoinsettia around when food is involved, but keeps a distance. Mooki is noted to have a big appetite and will often prevent the more shy cats from eating in peace.

She has been heard meowing, but is not often a feature Mooki offers. She is quick, ready to bolt in or out of food at near light-speed.


Mooki is a tortoiseshell, but displays a much higher ratio of black than any other color. Most tortie's are known to have an equal blend of colors all over, but Mooki's bright colors of orange mainly make freckles on her fur, despite a large orange splotch on her forehead that some have compared to a mohawk. She has deep green eyes that stand out, and is a normal sized cat.