
From Apoinsettia

History and Lore

Masquerade is a cat found at The Trucks Subcolony of the Alley. She is notoriously rare to appear on stream and a very shy cat.


A particularly shy cat, Masquerade remains standoffish, only making appearances when food is left and Apo retreats to a distance so she can eat alone and uninterrupted. Typically, Masquerade remains on the other side of the wooden fence, only peering through a missing piece of fencepost. Seldom does she cross over to the other side of the fence unless lured by a meal where she can dine alone. She doesn't seem to get along well with the other cats in the subcolony.


Masquerade has a combination of tortoiseshell and tabby markings, referred to as a torbie, with a predominantly white underside.