History and Lore
One of the most interesting stray cats on the channel, Marmalade was also not an early part of the Alley cast. Although he was always around and is much more frequent on the channel now, he was a rare cat to see, and still sometimes can be. He was initially on the divided side of the Trucks subcolony, where Bowie and Masquerade commonly hang out. When he began to venture over to where the majority of the cats were, he still kept his distance. He can sometimes be seen coming down to eat much closer with the other cats, especially when the Alley Feeder is around. Marmalade is now a fan favorite due to his asocial behavior with the other cats and loner status.
As previously stated, Marmalade is a loner, in where he spends most of his time far from the other cats by a green transformer and huts that were made by the Alley feeder. No cat is currently seen here aside from Marmalade, but was one time shared by Pootis. There was a time that Pootis was the only cat Marmalade seemingly tolerated, but Pootis has been missing for a significant period of time. Marmalade is not aggressive by any means and can actually eat alongside other cats with little signs of hostility. He is very food motivated, and when approached by Apoinsettia will either meow or hiss at him, but never instigate anything, despite one time where he scratched Apo from under the fence when he stuck his hand out to pet him. Since then, Marmalade as not been mean, but hasn't improved either.
Marmalade's name is inspired by his Orange and White appearance, the only cat in the entire colony even vaguely resembling him is Jaffacake. He often is known for his grumpy demeanor and frowny face.