History and Lore
Maradona was originally believed to be a kitten when she was first discovered, being far smaller than the others and was around the same size as Fleur when she was rescued. She was a part of the Newcomers, a large group of cats that were randomly introduced to the subcolony of the Fence and was the only tabby with white on her from the group. This and her small size would be key factors in identifying her from afar, and she was much more skittish than other cats initial and preferred to eat at the very end of the subcolony, away from the Oldtimers. As Maradona began to know Apoinsettia and the other cats, she still stayed in her respected corner of the colony, but proved to be much more affectionate.
Maradona and a fellow Newcomer Bella were both discovered to be pregnant from a new white and black longhair cat that had since been seen nearby who was not fixed. The Newcomers were in the process of being TNR, in which Mittens was rescued for her friendly demeanor and a trapper falling in love with her, and Blessed was successfully returned to her environment. For Maradona and Bella, they were too far along to fix mid pregnancy. Maradona would later give birth to 4 kittens originally named Mylo, Messi, Puddin and Mango, but Mango quickly passed days after birth. The remaining three had stayed alongside The Spices but were separated for health concerns as both litters were too young to be tested for contagious ailments. This group of kittens became known as The Little League, since their mother was named after famous football player Diego Maradona.
These kittens grew up and were taken to a shelter Apoinsettia knew the staff of well, which led to them being adopted out with a week. The first to go was Messi with Mylo being adopted soon after and Puddin' being the last to be homed. Maradona still stays with Apoinsettia, as Bella was rescued for being really friendly, Maradona is described as mixed bag as she can be heavily affectionate, but then incredibly shy, and needs socialization care before a final decision can be made as to if she can be rehomed, or returned.
Maradona, now an adult, did not grow much from her initial size and remains incredibly small, hinting that she could come from inbreeding, which has several effects on a cats body, and further leads to the theory that she was related to Fleur, and leading to even suggest she was related to Glacier Bay 2- Piece. As for her parents, nothing is known or speculated.
Maradona has gone through several personalities, such as her shy early days, to her confident prime days of the fence subcolony. Although when she was trapped and returned, she was much shyer that Bella who she was brought in with. She enjoys to chirp.
Maradona, despite being over a year old, is a rather small cat. She has very sharp and uptight ears, a feature very unique and only shared by her daughter Puddin'. She has a white bib and white socks to match her tabby patterns.
Random Facts
- Julos55, the chatter who named Maradona, was not even in chat for her naming. He left to watch FIFA or more likely, was flossing over a Battle Royale. This may be the origins of KitCrew meme #JulosIsAFakeFan.