
From Apoinsettia

History and Lore

Kazu lives in The Trucks Subcolony but wasn't always there. In fact, Kazu showed up randomly one stream, as the colony itself was taken care of by Apoinsettia for a few months. Kazu initially seemed very confused and loud, but still friendly, which led Apoinsettia to believe he was a drop-off. A drop-off cat is a cat that has been abandoned by their family for reasons unknown. Kazu was unneutered upon his arrival, which was subject to change. When he was new to the area, he interacted and bonded with Pawdry Hepburn a lot, who was a kitten at the time. Both cats were new to the territory and seemingly saw comfort in that. As of today, Kazu and Pawdry can still be seen near each other, but aren't as close, although this may be due to Pawdry's skittish personality near Apoinsettia. Kazu used to be tolerant of Lipstick, but has grown to not like him, and resorts to slap him without claws.

Kazu, of recent, has declined to interact with Apoinsettia and seems significantly more shy of him, making him increase in rarity despite still being present on the subcolony.


Kazu is known to be a friendly and playful cat and has been more interactive since his initial debut. He is very vocal, perhaps the most vocal cat in all of the Alley colony. Him being this friendly and vocal further hints at him perhaps being a drop-off. He enjoys catnip a lot.

As of late and perhaps due to the new fence installment at the subcolony, Kazu has had a notable change in personality, becoming much more shy, standoffish, and remaining on the other side of the fence. He also has a tendency to ward off opportunist ducks.


Kazu is a brown tabby with a prominent stripe pattern and a clean coat. His ear now has a notch to signify he has been neutered.