In Memoriam

From Apoinsettia


This is page to honor, remember, and track cats that are inactive on the channel. This could be due to them passing, going missing for a long period of time, or were rescued not by Apoinsettia. To see the list of cats Apoinsettia has rescued personally with the channel see Rescued Cats.

Below is a list of cats that have passed on the channel, for reasons natural or unnatural.

  • Missile Launcher; after a fellow caretaker at the Alley took Missile in, she had freaked out at a veterinary clinic and injured herself, leading her to be euthanized. 2019-2021
  • Jaffacake; although considered "Missing" due to never receiving confirmation, Jaffacake is believed to have passed due to many caretakers noticing him act different and seemed unhealthy.
  • Mikhail; after being discovered by a caretaker. Unknown causes, however, Mikhail was believed to be quite young. 2020-2020
  • Penguin; was brought in to a veterinary clinic where it was discovered he had developed cancer and was humanely euthanized by his loving caretakers.
  • Blackie; had passed of old age being at least 16 years old, and was confirmed by the primary caretaker of Blackie via Tiktok comments.
  • Camie; Camie's health deterred assumingly due to natural causes as she was an older kitty. Apoinsettia helped trapped Camie where she was humanely euthanized later on to ease her suffering.
  • Stardust; was discovered by Apoinsettia during a stream where Stardust had suffered strong injuries to the face. Apo ended early and attempted to trap Stardust to bring him in, but Stardust evaded him every time and at some point, was not seen again. Stardust noticeably distanced themselves from their friend Oliver, a common behavior for injured cats. The cause of the injury is unknown.
  • Grumpy Face Kitty; was confirmed by the primary caretaker of the Loop, who had discovered the cat.
  • Blessed; was discovered by a caretaker at the Alley colony. Blessed was young, and the circumstances around her passing are believed to be unnatural.
  • Regal; the first Siamese cat discovered on the channel would noticeably turn skinny and with thin fur. He would not be seen again and is assumed to have pass. The reasons could have been poor diet by other caretakers feeding lesser quality foods as suggest by a caretaker of the colony; a form of intestinal worms (despite being given dewormer), or a thyroid concern.
  • Tiramisu; a cat that had been the mother to Biscotti, Eclair, Meringue, and Carrot Cake. She was one of many cats removed from the property illegally just two weeks after she was spayed and released. It is not confirmed but assumed she has passed.
  • Leo; was put to rest after living to an old age with declining health and no longer having any teeth. After refusing food and losing weight, feeders intervened to end any suffering.
  • Glitch; in his advanced age and declining health, other feeders decided to have Glitch put down. He had lived out his years with a heart murmur, which made him inoperable for surgery to address a tumor he had been suffering from in his foot.

Below is a list of cats that have gone missing for a considerable amount of time.

  • Bookshelf; was the first cat to be found; fed; and shared in the Autoshop colony. Is theorized to be okay, yet hidden.
  • Amber; known as a regular by Apoinsettia in the Yellow Gate subcolony.
  • Princess; was one of free regular cats always out on the Roadside alongside Toothless and Priscilla.
  • Vlad; an iconic cat at the time to the old Apoinsettia audience; Vlad was one of the first of the Newcomers to vanish.
  • Rocky; an attempted rescue attempt by caretakers still unknown, Rocky would escape from his new home and run away. Rocky was a very old cat.
  • Pootis; a harder cat to feed in the Trucks subcolony in his prime, Pootis would go missing for some time. Miraculously, Pootis would casually remerge after 6 months of never being seen, and would hang out for a handful of streams before going missing again. Apoinsettia assumes Pootis comes from another colony, and another Caretaker states Pootis is "someone's pet"
  • Purrito; would become pregnant before she vanished leading to many to assume she was rescued, however was never confirmed.
  • Ren; although the re-feeding of the streetlight cats is new due to Apo's schedule, Ren has not been seen as she was a key cat to look for after friend of the channel Nortoh noticed a medium-hair orange cat passed alongside the road. It was never confirmed to be Ren, but Ren may have been like the other cats she lived with that crossed the road.
  • Raindrop; noticeably stopped appearing at the Fence.
  • Berber; a fan-favorite, Berber would disappear 2022; with unknown reasoning. Caretakers suggest he had been relocated within the nearby shipping vehicles, Apo suggest Berber could be rescued, and others suggest he may have relocated.
  • Salem; a regular in the Trucks subcolony, Salem would noticeably stop appearing despite strong presence in the community.
  • Snow Leopard; the least shy of the Corner cats, Snow Leopard would go missing after construction on his home. Although Storm and Guyliner were seen soon after, Snow was never seen again. The caretakers that feed after apo noticed grey and white clumps of fur located nearly a mile away. It is unclear whether it is Snow Leopard's due to the distance from the home and the fact another white and grey cat was seen closer to the location earlier, but the feeder states they were "80 percent" sure it was Snow Leopards.
  • Mystery; one of the rarest cats on the channel; Mystery has simply not had a sighting as of recent and is believed to be okay.
  • Gloves; After the passing of Blessed, Gloves was noticed to hang out further and further by caretakers until one caretaker reportedly saw them going the completely opposite way of the Fence subcolony, almost as if they were leaving. This marks the end of the Newcomers.
  • Finnegan; a recent cat gone missing in the Yellow Gate subcolony. May be safe as many cats have relocated and emerged from unique new locations in this subcolony.

Below is a list of channel cats that were NOT rescued by Apoinsettia. To see rescues done by Apoinsettia and the channel see Rescued Cats.

  • Mittens; was rescued by a feeder due to her loving personality.
  • Zeus; although never seen by Twitch Chat, Zeus came from the Roadside colony where he randomly approached Nortoh, leading Nortoh to take him home.
  • Papo; Spitfire's theorized brother who was rescued a week before her due to being a friendly kitten lost and outdoors.
  • Wisp; was taken in by the Caretakers that feed after Apo, as they loved him and kept him in foster for some time due to him being so sweet. Named "Mick" by the rescue.
  • Sunny D; one of many cats taken to be rescued by the caretaker that specializes in adults for this colony.
  • Sunset; taken in by the primary caretaker of the Bushes who specializes in rescuing adult cats. Named "James" by the rescue.
  • Peaches; had been injured outdoors and was taken in to be medicated and was socialized by the primary caretaker of the Straightaway and many Autoshop colonies who rescues adults. Apoinsettia was present for Peaches adoption at a rescue event. Named "Jasper" by the rescue.