History and Lore
Guyliner is one of the three longhairs originally discovered with Storm (mother) and Snow Leopard (brother) in The Corner Subcolony, one of the most unique and smallest colonies on the channel. Guyliner would not be known to exist for close to a year of feeding the subcolony, and would be the last of the three to appear. Due to construction at the area of their home at The Corner Subcolony, the family has no longer been found together. In addition to The Corner, Subcolony, Guyliner has also been seen on stream in the area near the Tirehold Subcolony where Spade is commonly found and formerly the stomping grounds of Wisp and Aurora.
Guyliner's presence on stream became much more rare following the construction in his former home where he was a common presence in every stream at that location. However, he has since been much more commonly present at the Corner alongside Eclipse and 2011 Chevy Silverado. It was discovered that the time of Guyliner's absence was when he had been trapped by a fellow feeder in order to help treat and recover from abcess. Curiously, he was later released (seemingly having been deemed too feral to be adopted) without having been neutered. Guyliner is supposedly friendly with the feeders here, as Apoinsettia states, but is still wary of Apo himself. During the Summer
He would be named via a Twitch poll, but would be the first to introduce voting with bits, which moderator MoonlitMandy utilized to the best of her ability to ensure her suggested name "Guyliner" would win. The runner up and fan favorite name "Inkblot" would lose with a difference of 4600 bits involved. The name Inkblot was later used to name a different cat that cohabits the Corner Subcolony with Guyliner.
At one point, Guyliner was trapped by another feeder after they had noticed he had a wound. He would be treated for an abcess and returned to the colony. Interestingly, he was not neutered at this time and still remains intact.
Guyliner is more social than his mother, Storm, but shyer than his brother Snow Leopard. He still feels comfortable in front of Apoinsettia, but only when food is present. He is quick to run and very observant, yet tries to hold his ground against the peahen that lives in the subcolony, who seems to pick on Guyliner most.
Guyliner is the largest of the three and has the darkest blend of colors compared to the rest of his family. His name comes from the dark fur patterns specifically around his eyes that resembles eyeliner, and a runner up name suggestion for him would be 'Rodrick' in reference to the Diary of a Wimpy Kid brother who wore eyeliner commonly.