History and Lore
Glacier is one of Apoinsettia's personal pets. She was adopted in 2019, as a kitten from the local county shelter, and would be one of several cats Apoinsettia would share a home with cats such as Icarus, Jetta, and Soka. Glacier would be a cat that would represent Apoinsettia's personality, as her aloof but sweet nature.
Glacier has gotten along well with her new roommate, Maple, who would be the first rescue Apoinsettia and Cobalt Castaway would keep. After Maple would be rescued, Pixie and Four Cheese Pizza: Mozzarella, Ricotta, Brie and Parmesan would be added to the family.
Glacier, despite showing no negative signs to any other cat, does not like Pixie, and Pixie has established the feeling is mutual. Although they can be seen interacting positively with each other, other times pixie will growl at her, and Glacier will stalk him throughout the house.
The road where Glacier would be fostered from would have a cat colony coincidentally not far from the area, in which a male cat named Sleeves bears a similar resemblance to Glacier, also being a Lynxpoint Siamese, which is considered rare in the stray cat world.
Glacier is a clumsy cat who keeps to herself when it comes to other cats, but enjoys affection and attention from people she's familiar with. If she doesn't know a person, she will often hide. She can be dominating towards the other cats, establishing herself as an almost an alpha, which contrasts her kitten like nature where she enjoyed playing with other cats.
Glacier was originally an all white kitten with a striped tail when adopted, with bright blue eyes, but grew grey splotches throughout her body. Although she is not overweight, she is large in size in a healthy bracket. She is often seen squinting throughout the house perhaps due to a light sensitivity most cats with blue eyes are known to have. She is considered a Lynxpoint Siamese.