
From Apoinsettia

History and Lore

Fay is the first cat Apoinsettia involved his significant other, Cobalt Castaway, in a rescue. Fay was originally a kitten found in The Grocery Lot, a colony consisting of a handful of cats. It would be that Fay would be noticed, just a few weeks old, following his mother Pepper around. After an extensive period trapping across 3 separate days, Fay would finally be trapped by Apoinsettia. When Apoinsettia brought the kitten back, he had noticed the kitten was in significantly worse shape than previously thought, and therefore decided to treat him with antibiotics unsure of the graveness of the kittens situation.

Fay would never be considered feral and would be the first rescued cat to not initially fight back, although whether this was due to lethargic behavior due to his sickness or not is unknown, it was a major benefit to socializing the kitten faster. Fay would be comfortable in the new life rather quickly, and enjoyed human interaction.

Fay would, after some time, be taken to the shelter Apoinsettia had worked with at the time, to which a fellow employee had fallen in love with Fay and decided to adopt him, to which Apoinsettia and Cobalt Castaway still get updates to this day of the now adult cat's health. He currently lives in a house with two dogs and a cat, who all love him very dearly.

Fay was misgendered by Apoinsettia and was not confirmed to be a male until the kitten had gotten fixed, when the staff knew that the kitten had no female genitalia.

Fay also had a sibling that was adopted out by someone who had worked in the produce section of the nearby grocery store. This sibling was never met, but was described as a grey and white tabby, leaving Fay the only kitten left stranded with his mother.


It took time for Fay to ease into their honest personality they would be more remembered for, but not an overwhelming amount. Taking into consideration Fay was a stray kitten who was sick, it explains a lot of his docile personality where as the last kittens Apoinsettia rescued were Cookies and Cream who spent time fighting back. Fay enjoyed to play, and enjoyed seeking attention.


Fay was a tabby, with spotted markings and frizzy fur textures. His spotted markings were light as a kitten, but with age has seemingly gotten deeper and darker in complexion.