
From Apoinsettia

History and Lore

Eeyore was once a mythical stray cat located in The Roadside Subcolony, and did not always live there. He would show up one stream in 2020, to which the cats did not seem to enjoy his presence. Eeyore however didn't mind, and has a similar attitude to Finnegan. That being said, both cats present similar faces and their long ears, which Eeyore would eventually be named after, which would fuel to the theory that Finnegan and Eeyore may be related as both were not neutered, showed up near the same time, were new and unliked by other cats, have similar personalities, and physical features.

Eeyore has improved their rarity to rare due to a higher presence on stream.

Feeders have attempted to trap him multiple times, failing both times, to which Apoinsettia hopes to be the one to take him in.


Eeyore is an observant cat who watches Apo from afar, waiting to make their move on whatever food or nip is left out. They are often slow in their movements and seemingly tolerate the other cats without controversy.


Eeyore is a russian blue, with a white bib on their chest. They have a wildly different appearance to Picasso and Van Gogh who both have softer features whilst Eeyore has larger and stronger features. They were named after their large ears in reference to the Winnie the Pooh character, and have cloudy green eyes. Their fur seems to have patches and holes on it.