History and Lore
Doxycycline would be the last of the kittens to be trapped of the Fleababies, a group of kittens with several health concerns that were born and raised in a flea infested crate that would cost Apoinsettia health concerns as well. Apo would attempt to trap the family, starting with the mother Tarantula, although unintentionally. Apo would spend many nights trapping as another colony caretaker was subsequently feeding just before Apo would trap and was aware they were trapping. With the kittens health in serious question, some of the caretakers including Apo would confront them and insist they halt.
While a feral kitten, it was observed that she was unlike her siblings and was more concerned about play while her sister Berbette and brother I Can't Believe It's Not Butter were more concerned about food. This would lead to fear that Doxycycline would be the most difficult to trap. Berbette would be trapped two days prior and I Can't Believe It's Not Butter would be trapped just minutes earlier, with Apoinsettia leaving the newly acquired kitten trap that was donated by a fellow caretaker, that would capture Doxycycline.
The name Doxycycline was secured for her in a Twitch chat naming poll. The name was suggested by moderator Peppperjam on account of Apoinsettia being prescribed the antibiotic of the same name along with the steroid Prednisone (a failed name suggestion for Berbette) to combat the effects of all the flea bites suffered in the trapping attempts.