History and Lore
Dolly refers to one of the many kittens within The Flowers born by their mother Peony. Dolly would originally be called "Primrose" before Twitch Chat had named her, and would be the personal favorite of Apoinsettia's sister ZirconArrows, to which she was displeased with the kittens name and will remain Primrose to her.
Dolly and her brother Jasper would be the last two of the six kittens to be adopted out but would eventually find their loving homes.
Dolly was a calm kitten who enjoyed playing with the other kittens but was attentive to people and liked to hang out with them, even falling asleep on them like Lilac would.
Dolly was very similar to her sister Tulip, both being marbled pattern tabbies with white undertones. Both have a white bib that extends throughout their underside. The key difference in the kittens appearances would be Tulip and her splotch on her nose, compared to the two small black dots on both sides of Dolly's upper lip that resembles a mustache.