
From Apoinsettia

History and Lore

Dawn is a unique cat, usually and originally found in The Bushes Subcolony. She is known for many things, such as her temperamental and unpredictable attitude towards other cats, and for her beautiful blend of tabby fur coloring, and tortoisheshell fur colorings earning her the color of Torbie.

Dawn, after being seen and fed at the Bushes subcolony for more than a year, has recently been discovered in The Straightaway Subcolony, even taking a liking to some of the cats there. This is considered a long journey from her home.

Dawn would be placed for adoption online by the primary feeder along with her neighbor and theoretical brother Sunset, but a potential adopter backed out.


When Apoinsettia arrives, most cats are excited with the nearby promise of food. They greet each other affectionately, which Dawn partakes in, except when Dawn greets others she can turn on them and slap them for no apparent reason at all. The cause for this is still unknown to us, but is something common in her personality. The cats she does this to appear to be random but may have a certain order, as she may target specific cats she does not get along with. She does enjoy the presence of Sunset, who Apo has noted have several similarities between the two. Because of her turning on other cats, but still approaching them in a friendly manner or being very tolerant a times, it's unclear if she is more friendly, neutral, or aggressive towards her cat brethren. Towards Apo, she is very friendly and trusting, and likes to wander away when fed instead of hanging around. This leads her to interact with Shyguy, who Apo tries to keep her from due to Dawn's behavior with other cat, or venture towards Sunset and join him in his nip adventure. When pet, Dawn is known to arch her entire back up in an absurd way, compared to like a Reaper from the Mass Effect series.

Dawn, like many of the common cats in the subcolony enjoys catnip.


Dawn is a torby, having her freckled tortie or calico coloring, but still coherent stripes of tabby markings that make up the majority of her coat along with a plain white underbelly. She has striking green eyes, similar to other cats in the Bushes.


  • Dawn has befriended Wizard Kitty, to Apoinsettia's surprise. She can often switch on him, even going as far to hiss and slap him, but most of their encounters are wholesome and friendly.
  • Dawn seemingly treats Zig Zag in an odd manner, to which she enjoys her and is friendly to her, to occasionally turn on her and slap her. Zig Zag does not seem to mind this, however.
  • Dawn and Shyguy do not like each other, causing Apoinsettia to distract or lead Dawn away from Shyguy when he eats.
  • Dawn gets along with Sunset best, being known as "the twisty tails" by the main feeder.


  • A theory on the channel that Apoinsettia believes in is that Sunset and Dawn are directly related, as both present unique colorings and both share their "arch" trait.