
From Apoinsettia

History & Lore

Boo is a cat that came to be known to the channel by chance late in a stream at the The Treeline Colony on May 9, 2022, appearing from a fenced parking area alongside a drainage ditch where Apo had spotted kittens. Although intending to trap and rescue the kittens in the area, several previously unknown cats emerged. In spite of efforts to divert the adult cats away with catnip, it only seemed to draw out even more adults while the kittens eluded capture. Inevitably, Boo entered the trap and was caught in their place. The dramatic fashion of the trapping can be seen clipped here from the livestream where the trap, unable to be placed on level terrain, began to tumble down the bank of the drainage ditch. Though falling out of frame, fortunately, the trap did not descend into the water and Boo was not physically harmed. This marked the first time a cat had been trapped live on stream.

To honor a stray that was once taken in that had since passed, the name Boo was given by LAHerb from Twitch chat after donating to cover the cost of the TNR (trap neuter return).

Boo is believed to be the mother of the kittens for whom the trap was intended. Two of the kittens were later trapped and named Omen and Ice Cream Sandwich while being fostered by Apo.

Boo would be released two days later as the channel's first official TNR, and still roams the colony.


Boo is a nearly all black cat with a small tuft of white on her chest.