
From Apoinsettia

History and Lore

Berber became a common fixture on the channel after a new gray and white cat was noted in the area. Apoinsettia didn't pay too much mind as he was still learning about the area in the early days of The Alley Colony, where Berber was found. It was one day that Berber openly ran up to Apo that a new friend for him and Twitch chat was made, becoming one of the most popular cats in the Alley colony and entire channel. Whether Berber was dropped off or not is unknown, due to his quick change in friendly personality. Berber was known for staying in The Transformer Subcolony and was discovered there, yet he then ventured outwards, even going towards The Trucks Subcolony at times.

Although Berber's presence was common, his whereabouts are currently not known. He would suddenly vanish leading to many theories as to what happened. Berber in his last appearances was known to be more of a wanderer commonly walking to the Trucks, and had been seen sleeping within the Uhaul trucks, leading to some feeders and fans to suspect he was in one of the cars as it took off leading to him being in a foreign location.

Berber's status would still be a wonder to this day, but months after his vanishing, a cat by the name of Tarantula would give birth to cats in a container by the fence subcolony, not far from Berber's home. These kittens of Tatantula's would be trapped and known as the Fleababies. One of the Fleababies would be named Berbette after her similar appearance to Berber, also leading to theories if the two would distant relatives.


Berber is by no means a vocal cat, and despite being loving and affectionate often is quiet. When he recognizes Apo or the car he drives, he bolts over (though on occasion he would slowly stroll). He is notably cold in demeanor toward Sunshine, the other most friendly cat in the location, and both seemingly rival for Apo's attention. Berber is great with the other cats and is neutral towards the ducks in the area. He often doesn't eat as much as the others, but does enjoy catnip. He is known to jump into the trunk of the car, but for what he pursues is unknown.


Berber is jokingly described as muscular, but has a fair build to him. He is grey and white, with grey being his most dominating color. He was named Berber after the carpet brand due to Apo describing his fur as coarse, rough, and thick almost like that of a carpet. Berber is the only cat of this coloring in the entire alley colony, further hinting at the drop off theory.

Random Facts

  • Berber's name given by local feeders is "Handsome Thomas". It's a damn good name.
  • At least one of his underarms is grey. The other is undecided.