
From Apoinsettia

History and Lore

Baxter, or otherwise known as "Tri-Force kitty", is one of the original members of The Wanderers, a group of new faces that would be discovered in The Loop Subcolony. Baxter himself would be the first cat noticed of the three, and would be observed closely. Baxter would not be named by Twitch Chat, and would never have a proper poll due to the name sticking and Apo stating that it would be hard to dedicate time to name a cat already having a well-known name cultivated by some fans.


Baxter is a distant and unconcerned cat, but still does not like Apoinsettia and would retreat to safety when approached, but at a slower pace than his newfound peers. Baxter is also anti-social with the other cats, but has not been seen antagonizing them.

Baxter is a large fan of catnip in the subcolony, rivaling even Stardust and Oliver's known love of nip.


Baxter shares the common black and white colorings many of the other cats possess, and can be considered a tuxedo due to him possessing a white bib. However Baxter has noticeable facial features, such as his mouth resembling a triangle to some. This would earn him the nickname of "Tri-Force kitty" as it would best separate him from the other two cats. He is large and has noticeably thin fur, which some could attribute to ringworm.