
From Apoinsettia

History and Lore

Apricot is one of the most interesting cats in The Alley Colony, as she also does not necessarily stay in a specific subcolony to eat at. That being said, she prefers to hang close to The Transformer Subcolony and seems to like some of the cats there, but doesn't get along with others. She has even been seen in the mornings eating with the cats by the Transformer. Apricot was not initially one of the original cats in this location, and would be randomly seen upon one stream, but it could be also assumed she always lived there and had only not been seen for months prior.

Her introduction to the colony would be retold in a fictional novel for kids known as "Apo's Army" written by Katrina Roets.


Apricot is somewhat skittish depending on her mood. At times, she can be approached very close if she's comfortable, but other times she can run at the sight of Apoinsettia, making her personality nearly impossible to predict. She also prefers to hang farther away from the other cats and commonly on the other side of the fence by the Transformer, with a secret escape way. When feeding, she will often approach nearby and then lead Apoinsettia away to an area more secluded from the other cats for him to leave food for her.


Apricot is a cat with several different colors. Although she can be described as a torbie (that combination of a tabby cat and a tortoiseshell) she has such a vibrant array of colors that overwhelm any tabby markings that she could be considered a calico. She had deep yellow eyes, and has a similar deep orange color resemblance to Masquerade. Although it isn't as easily noticeable, perhaps due to her coloration, Apricot has inner eyelids that remain exposed and are similar to those of HP Officejet Pro 8600.


  • Due to her very similar appearance to Masquerade, and them living in the same parking lot, there are theories that suggest the two could be related.
  • Due to having a similar inner eyelid defect to HP Officejet Pro 8600, some speculate that they may be related.