Air Compressor

From Apoinsettia

History and Lore

One of the first and original cats to be seen in The AutoShop Colony, Air Compressor was named due to the hardware he was commonly found around in a location not too far from the Tirehold Subcolony, which he has migrated to and remains. Despite knowing Apoinsettia for a good amount of time, he is still skittish towards, but tolerates Apo. Air Compressor moving his location is unknown as it seemingly happened before Apo fed at the Tirehold colony. He has never been seen at the old colony, and even hung out closer to Sunny D, distancing himself from the other cats that stay here. He may have a loner personality type due to him being in new place, but regardless has been here for some time.

Air Compressor has been on the channel since the AutoShop was first discovered, being one of the original cats to appear and even perhaps the most frequently seen kitty of all time.


Air Compressor is happy to see Apo, often approaching with his tail up and meowing. He approaches Sunny D who is always nearby by the time Apo arrives, but remains distant as the two are still in progress when it comes to getting along. They are often fed separately, and when fed and sometimes given nip, Air Compressor goes about his business. He likes to lie down and observe, and is easier to approach than the majority of the other cats in the Tirehold subcolony.

Air Compressor is normally seen as a calmy, steady cat, who travels on his own pace and schedule. This seems to vanish when catnip is introduced to reveal Air Compressor is a fun playful kitty deep down.


Grey and White cats are common in the AutoShop, with some variations in face shape or pattern. Air Compressor is easily recognizable due to his mainly grey face and dark colored eyes, with a small white diamond in the center of his forehead. He is often compared to Vision from the Marvel Cinematic Universe for his appearance. Air Compressor is mistaken for Norton Anti-Virus now and then who has a similar coloring but both vary in body shape as Air Compressor is chubbier and Norton has more white on his face. Air Compressor also has a white smudge by his upper lip.


  • Air Compressor and Sunny D have a weird relation where they meow at each other and wag their tails but seem to want to interact, only resulting in them slapping another briefly. It is unclear whether Air Compressor and Sunny D could become friends in time since Sunny D was later adopted.
  • Air Compressor is very displeased with Teddy Plushkin's existence.