2011 Chevy Silverado

From Apoinsettia

History and Lore

2011 Chevy Silverado is a cat that stays at the end of The Corner Subcolony, being one of a few cats that frequent the area.

He would be the first to be named in this colony; and shares the location with Eclipse, and even has been seen eating near Guyliner.

His schedule is quite unique and unpredictable, being considered as one of the shyer cats in the area.


2011 Chevy Silverado is a skittish cat, but still approaches Apoinsettia. They are confident enough to stand close and face Apoinsettia, but not confident enough to interact and let Apo get too close. He often is seen watching behind the fence or hidden in shrubbery before approaching food, and falls second to eating in place of his peers.

It has been noticed that 2011 Chevy Silverado does not like to be in the presence of any other the other cats; even including his long term neighbor Eclipse, who he tolerates more than the other residents in the subcolony. He does try to avoid conflict.


2011 Chevy Silverado is a cat with tabby markings to go with their white undercoat that takes up most of their coloring, with a marbled pattern on their tabby spots. This coloration is uncommon for White and Grey tabbies.


  • 2011 Chevy Silverado does not like to be in the presence of Storm.